A survey of the state of back to work of patients after undergoing per cutem coronary artery intervention 经皮冠状动脉介入术后病人重返工作情况的调查
Nursing care of patients with bulla undergoing per cutem lung piqure therapy by giving fibrin glue sealant 纤维蛋白胶封闭剂经皮肺穿刺治疗肺大疱的护理
Perioperative nursing of 32 patients undergoing vertebral body retro-protruding plasty per cutem 32例经皮椎体后凸成形术围术期的护理
The Curative Effect Observation of Intersecting Internal Fixation Per Cutem with Kirschner Wire on Fracture of Surgical Neck of Humerus 经皮克氏针固定治疗肱骨外科颈骨折疗效观察
Nursing care of middle and advanced stage liver cancer patients with adverse effect after accepted perfusion chemotherapy and embolotherapy via per cutem femoral artery puncture 经皮股动脉穿刺灌注化疗及栓塞治疗中晚期肝癌的不良反应护理
Observation on therapeutic effect of children with diarrhea treated with per cutem medication 经皮给药治疗小儿腹泻疗效观察
Nursing care of patients with tubal pregnancy underwent uterine artery embolization per cutem combined with TCM therapy 经皮子宫动脉栓塞配合中药治疗输卵管妊娠病人的护理
Conclusion The treatment of per cutem reginal perfusion and thrombolysis, Urokinase general using is a safe and effective method for treating pulmonary embo-lism and can significantly improve clinic symptoms of the patients. 结论经皮局部灌注溶栓加全身应用尿激酶治疗肺栓塞安全有效,可显著改善临床症状。
Objective: To study on nursing methods for spine tuberculosis patients treated with focus clearance, local continuous lavage and drainage, and local chemotherapy under CT guidance and per cutem microinvasive technique. [目的]研究CT引导下经皮应用脊柱微创技术对脊柱结核进行病灶清除、局部持续灌注冲洗引流和局部化疗后的护理方法。
Postoperative nursing care of patients after underwent intraoperative per cutem jejunum fistulation 术中经皮空肠穿刺造瘘术术后病人的护理
Nursing care of patients with osteoporotic vertebra fracture underwent traction reposition plus per cutem vertebra-plasty 牵引复位加经皮椎体成形术治疗骨质疏松性椎体骨折病人的护理
Operation coordination of patients with injury of pelvic ring treated by per cutem fixation 经皮固定治疗骨盆环损伤病人的手术配合
Second, we use the method of per cutem puncturation airtube to intratracheal injection bacterium fluid 0.2ml involvement 1 × 10 Candida albicans, form the animal model of pulmonary candidasis albicans. 再通过经皮气管穿刺法,实验组气管内注入0.2ml含1×10~8个白色念珠菌的菌液,制成兔白色念珠菌肺炎动物模型。
Triamcinolone is common intralesional hormone injected, even using standard doses of triamcinolone ( 40 mg/ ml), still with some patients occured side effects. Moreover triamcinolone has poor effective per cutem to permeate as topical hormone. 曲安奈德是常用的注射激素,但即使标准剂量注射治疗(40mg/ml)仍有部分患者出现不同程度副作用,而且作为外用激素曲安奈德经皮渗透效果欠佳。